
Sustainability »  Climate Change Initiatives


CO2 Reduction Initiatives

Pneumatic instruments use pressurized air produced by compressors as their power source. By maintaining a low air pressure and flow, it is possible to reduce the energy consumed by the air compressors. As a specialist in automatic control equipment including pneumatic instruments, SMC provides total solutions that reduce the overall amount of energy consumption at customersʼ factories.

  • ・Our pressure booster valves can be used to boost pressure only where necessary in order to keep the main supply air pressure low
  • ・Compact, lightweight, air-saving, and energy-saving products based on our knowhow cultivated over many years
  • ・Visualizing air pressure, air flow, and temperature and reducing air leaks
  • ・Automatically controls air pressure and air flow in line with the operating conditions of the facility

GHG Emission and Reduction Targets

SMC is promoting various initiatives to reduce GHG emissions through own activities.
We have comple𒉰ted the compilation of data on Scope 1 and 2*1 emissions covering the entire Group*2 based on the GHG Protocol, international standard, and after anticipating increases in future sales and the scale of manufacturing, we have compiled concrete measures to formulate medium- to long-term targets*3♍to reduce absolute amount of GHG emissions.

  • *1 Scope 1: CO₂ emissions produced by the Companyʼs own fuel consumption.
      Scope 2: CO₂ emissions produced through the consumption of energy supplied by other companies.
  • *2 The 34 locations, which include sales locations, mass production locations, and major distribution centers, make up more than 95% of consolidated external net sales.
  • *3 Reduction targets to meet the demands of SBTʼs 1.5°C scenario with FY2021 as the base year.
GHG Emission and Reduction Targets

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