
WEB Catalog
Electronic Pressure Switches/Sensors (Remote Type)

3-Screen Display Sensor Monitor PSE300A

SeriesSet pressure range
PSE300A−0.2 to 2.1 kPa
10 to −105 kPa
−105 to 105 kPa
−10 to 105 kPa
−50 to 525 kPa
−0.105 to 1.05 MPa
−0.105 to 2.1 MPa
−0.25 to 5.25 MPa
−0.5 to 10.5 MPa


Compatible with 5 types of pressure sensor

  • It is possible to change the settings while checking the measured value.

  • NPN/PNP Switch Function

    Input Range Selection
    (for Pressure/Flow rate)

    ・Set the displayed value according to the sensor input.
    (Voltage input: 1 to 5 V/Current input: 4 to 20 mA)
     ・Value is 🌼displayed regardless of the pre𒆙ssure switch or flow switch.

Visualization of Settings

The sub screen (label) shows the item to be set.

Simple 3-Step Setting

Easy Screen Switching

  • Copy Function

  • Easy Fitting of Connector

  • Input Range Selection
    (for Pressure/Flow rate)

  • Analog Free Span Function

Application Example

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